
South Mecklenburg News

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Mecklenburg County's Invasive Plants

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Mecklenburg County's Invasive Plants | https://www.flickr.com/

Mecklenburg County's Invasive Plants | https://www.flickr.com/

From March 11, 2023 post.

Pretty plant? Think again. This is one of Mecklenburg County's invasive plants: the mimosa tree. Invasive plants are plants that have been introduced to a habitat, overpopulate it, and end up harming its native species. Some of our natives are already vulnerable and these aggressive growers make it even more difficult for them to survive. Below are some examples of local invasive plants:

                   Privets, or Ligustrums, are ornamental shrubs or trees that easily escape your yard (birds disperse the seeds) and crowd out native species.

  Golden bamboo is an extremely fast-growing perennial that can grow 3-5 feet each year, displacing native plants.

  Autumn olive is a shrub that forms dense thickets, distributes quickly, will leaf out early and outcompete other species.

  The mimosa tree is a fast-growing tree with showy blooms that spreads freely in our habitats and shades out native plants.

Invasives were introduced for various reasons—including erosion control and beauty—but now we know the damage they cause. Read more about invasive plants: https://meck.co/3SwNEzh

Next in this series: what do we do about invasive plants? Education and removal!

Source can be found here.