County of Mecklenburg issued the following announcement on Sept 24.
Mecklenburg County Community Support Services (CSS) has released the 2020 Charlotte-Mecklenburg State of Housing Instability & Homelessness Report. The report is part of the annual Housing Instability and Homelessness Report series which is funded by Mecklenburg County CSS and produced by the UNC Charlotte Urban Institute.
This annual report combines the latest local, regional, and national data on the full housing continuum (from housing instability to homelessness), and stable (permanent, affordable) housing. The report features data from the 2020 Point-in-Time Count, housing inventory and rental gaps, Housing Trust Fund, and system performance metrics.
The new data in the 2020 report also includes information on the systemic and structural causes of housing instability and homelessness, and details on barriers to voucher utilization in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. In addition, the report features information related to the impact of COVID-19 on the capacity of and demand for housing related services in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. Some of the key findings include:
The inventory of permanent, affordable housing in Charlotte-Mecklenburg is decreasing, while the need for permanent, affordable housing increases.
There is a 23,060-unit gap of rental units for extremely low-income households who are at or below 30% of Area Median Income in Charlotte-Mecklenburg
Households with housing assistance face additional barriers, like Source of Income Discrimination, to access available permanent, affordable housing.
The problems of housing instability and homelessness predate the COVID-19 pandemic; however, COVID-19 has exacerbated these pre-existing conditions.
Permanent, affordable housing is critical for individual and public health.
It is vital that all stakeholders use the information in this report to advocate for more permanent, affordable housing in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. To share the key findings and indicate ways to employ the report, Mecklenburg County CSS has also released a community toolkit.
The report and all complementary material can be found on the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Housing & Homelessness Dashboard at
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