Mecklenburg County received a donation of hand sanitizer from the Mecklenburg County Alcohol Beverage Control Board. | Wikimedia Commons
Mecklenburg County received a donation of hand sanitizer from the Mecklenburg County Alcohol Beverage Control Board. | Wikimedia Commons
The Mecklenburg Alcohol Beverage Control Board donated 35 gallons of essential hand sanitizer to Mecklenburg County.
Mecklenburg's Alcohol Beverage Control Board received a donation from the North Carolina Alcohol Beverage Control Commission and offered the sanitizer to area nonprofits, a Mecklenburg County news release said on Aug. 13. Thirty-five gallons of sanitizer was also distributed to the county Health Department.
To improve public health and safety and create community partnerships, the county will use the donation to supplement the inventory of sanitizer being used by the Health Department. Currently, the Health Department staff is providing patient services, conducting inspections, staffing childcare centers, outreach and case management and other support services.
When soap and water are not available, alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol is effective in combating the spread of COVID-19. Store hand sanitizer out of reach of children and in temperatures below 105 degrees. More information about Mecklenburg County's response to the coronavirus pandemic can be found here.